
阪急6300系京とれいん・別れの秋 ~ The Queen's Last Waltz : Farewell to Hankyu Series 6300 "Kyo-Train” in Autumn ~




Here is a collection of videos of Hankyu Series 6300 “Kyo(to)-Train", which finally terminated its regular operation on December 11, 2022. I took these videos in a hurry after the announcement of the retirement between late October and mid-December (except for a few shots), so I regret that I could only capture a limited number of scenes. I personally love this railcar, so this video is a little bit emotional for me.

I would be happy to hear your feedback in the comments.

#阪急電車 #京とれいん #阪急6300系 #鉄道動画 #鉄道風景 #阪急京都線 #鉄道と紅葉 #京都の鉄道


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